Tuesday, August 02, 2005


So I haven't actually explained any of the thinking behind the presentation.
Topic: Subconscious self Vs Rational self.
Yes, I think I bit off more than I can chew, considering I had a week to prepare something non crap.
*Why do an animation?? -I know I'm not the greatest at using flash, but I do want to improve the little skills I have.
*Why are you (Britt) in it? -I have a hatred of photos of me, and I thought I'd try to quash it... more babbleing on that subject
*Why the stabby things? Good question, I guess I wanted to show a struggle(no that's not the right word) balance?? between ones self and inner self. How we behave 'normal' and then the inner desires/ego/other part of self.
*So why all the stabby things?- uh, They allow an easy representation of the two states of mind.
*two stages, what good and evil? -No, more like a division between the rational and irrational thoughts/actions...
*ok, that's makes little sense, I not getting anywhere with these questions...obvivously...we'll resume this at a later stage.-Look forward to it.


At 5:47 PM, Blogger Cernunnos said...

Aren't good at flash? Look at your weird ass morphs, that's all I need to say.

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Britt said...

I want to be a flash master, one day maybe I will, until then it's shape tween morphs for me.

At 6:57 PM, Blogger Cernunnos said...

Yeah, I want to be a flash master.


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