Friday, October 07, 2005

work through it

Er...taking a short break from sewing (well the little ones as they are all hand detailed) as my hand is mutating into a deformed claw! Awesome!
Will be using the next couple of days to reflect upon where these things are going. Ground them with a context. I don't want some half baked positioning within an environment, and need to draw more from them that what i have at the moment.
A few good ideas were thrown my way by classmates, so It's not like I'm doing nothing. Besides, i still can create the big bodied ones, but as of now, an unable to attatch any limbs, without excruciating knuckle pain. Perhaps I can recruit somoeone to do my hand sewing...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Still plodding along, but the feet are no longer dragging

Another body.
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the severed hand/arm
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Incomplete, no head.i need more stuffing!
Sewn the guts in to the pouch of the new/fatter disembowel character.
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