Saturday, August 27, 2005

Getting lost between the lichen and the moss

I think that THESE might be the poor cousin to Aga's light.
I remember I made them because I felt sorry for the tree. It had died and looked plain and lonely.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

You know? We could make her REALLY angry! Shall we try?

It was good to see what everyone had done for their adventure. Can't believe i still had 'technical' problems even after testing. A little bummed about not doing as much as i had planned. Too bad i didn't get the 'head severing fence' drawings from my brother, that would have been fun to play with...maybe I'll still do it and call it 'studies:essay submission', i don't think that's the kind of response they're looking for.
Anyway, all of the stuff from today can be seen a few posts pre this one, except for Marmaduke, the cat one, it's too big to upload.
That's me for now. I feel a debrief will be appearing soon, and a briefing for the major project...yay new stuff.

Not me, your grace! The ace, the ace!

Hey Kat, Lauren, Lisa,
I got a couple of cans tonight, that need a bit of a clean, I'll bring them in on Friday, maybe do something with them...or not. So, i'll keep trying to stockpile cans, now the household is alerted to my need for them. See you on Friday.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings


And why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wigs

It would appear that I'm first up for the presenatations.
Crap, I always like to see how others do their presentations, then adapt mine.
Now I'll have to practice what I'm going to say...damn. damn. So far behind schedule...
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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Ahoy, and other nautical expressions!

So I've being trying to do a different style for each of the animation sequences. Some work better than others. I've color coded them, and have worked on a bit of an explanation/background story/run down/Where is this coming from?? kind of thing.

Awesome, I managed to get my brother to the do next drawings for one of the studio animations. I wonder if he realises i want before wednesday? Yes I should probably sort that out. SO I know that at least one won't be completely crap.

There's so much more that Could be put into this Minor project. It's ridiculous that now it's the last week, I'm pumped for it. Like I said, it's going to be a mad rush. So yes, Back to work for me. Ooh, it's exciting again.
Some things to looks forwards to:
*Thumb eating cat
*Red Fox
*Fence able to sever heads
*Hands that personify Raggety (from Rupert bear)
*Locomotive engine.

Yes I know that means diddley to everyone else but me, But it will make sense next week. Well maybe.