Saturday, October 01, 2005

The monotony

THIS is what got me frustrated. Repetitive. It became boring. It was a chore. For some reason, I started to take the whole thing a little too seriously.
...It wasn't fun anymore. Now that's a thumbs down.
But things have livened up, lightened up and are not so...painful...
I see where I want to go, and am developing another element to add to it.


Yes I am happy now. Many to choose from...
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Look mum no shoes...

I really need to find a thimble, before my finger starts to bleed, then i can back to the handstitch detailing of the character, Damn them all!
A few pictures.
All i have is this pile on the floorImage hosted by
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Multiple heads
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Two bodies,one has got henchmen shoulders, t'other a pot belly
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Stupid ugly reject button eyes
Reject head
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So, lazy, can't be bothered doing anymore until later today. I must get a thimble!!
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Thursday, September 29, 2005


Have partially completed the newer fatter version of the disembowled character. As of now, I am running low. The cordoroy is not as easy to sew as i first thought it was. It has too much stretch in it, so I have to pay extra attention and care when sewing... I was unable to purchase more of the same Buttons for eyes, as previously used.
I hate the new buttons, they're smaller and ugly. I've stabbed myself countless times when pinning and hand stitching stuff. My nerves are frayed. I'm pissed off.
I have decided to use the seven characters I already have posted. I don't think I will be able to make ten, as planned... Pictures later tonight.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

About the fabric

A little bit about the choice of materials:
When I went on my first expedition to Lincraft and Spotlight, to scout for some fabric, I had no idead what I was looking for.
I was thinking maybe patchwork, or something like that. The stores had a huge variety of patterned and printed fabrics. By I thought i'd get some plain calico and make mock versions.

Calico is a plain fabric. It is neither heavy nor light. It has some texture too it. I consider it to be rough, homey, school crafts sort of fabric. It's creamy in colour, and has a smell that I can't quite recognise.

Sewing away, I realised that the machine didn't struggle with it, it was easy to handle and cheap.

The thin cordoroy: beautiful velvety black. Soft, textured, rich, relatively cheap.

After making the body and face with the plain calico, I really wanted to have black limbs. The subtle texture is a bonus. It too is another easy to work with fabric.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Disembowel part deux

Click here to watch 'disembowel II'
This is some stills of the test sew at first stage completion.
As yet, the limbs are not stuffed, not properly attatched.
The limb fabric is to be changed to thin cordoroy...preferably black...from the crappy tencil I used (oh, they were once a hideous pair of pants)

First run sew

Click here to watch 'Disembowel'
This is a first/test run.
It is half size.
temporary padding...purchasing the proper stuff tommorrow.
Changes to be made:
Fatter body. Add a panel running along edge to achieve this.
Better stuffing

The Gibblies

So any 'gore' or maiming I didn't want to be graphic/realisitc. Mainly because the characters are not realistic themselves, so the blood and guts should match.
I was thinking of using plaited wool for guts, stringy bits.
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Strands of wool, Blanket stitched on surface for cuts, scratches.
Paint (most likely oil, or fabric) for background colour, blood stain, weepage from wounds.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Personal review

It's sounds silly, but I'm actually excited by this studio. As of yet, nothing had grabbed me. Most things I did were a half hearted attempt. Now I want to take this to the next level. Push myself along and try to do the best I can with it. I wake up wanting to get stuck in to it rather than pressing the snooze button on my alarm.
Maybe it's the extra energy this break has provided?
Originally I was uncertain about choosing to do the Crossing studio. I didn't know much about it, what we would be doing, I'd never met Mick before either. That was the initial attraction. It was murky and undecided. Now I am glad I selected crossing. It's fun, unrestrictive, open, vague, encouraging, nuturing. It doesn't run by the straight and narrow...Yay...
...sounding sucky yet? Well I think so, emotional talkings are...cliche at best...

Still have to load my photos.
Until then, kick back and enjoy the break.